Welcome to Pampered Pregnancy!!

This blog is dedicated to empowering women to make healthy choices for themselves and their babies throughout pregnancy, birth, and beyond. My goals are to promote education about childbirth and increase access to care for all women and children. This site was envisioned as an advocacy and educational group for women to get information about current research to help them make informed decisions about the care that they want to receive, innovative product recommendations, and a support forum where women can share similar experiences. The advice given here is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice and I would always encourage you to seek the opinion of a qualified medical professional.
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Babytopia Item of the Week

Items for the hippest mommy and baby

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stand and Deliver: My birth plan

Check out this edited version of a birth plan at the blog Stand and Deliver:

Stand and Deliver: My birth plan

The First Few Moments…

All of your hard work during labor has finally paid off. You hear the first cry from your newborn baby and it is the most perfect moment of your existence. Many new mothers do not know about the importance of skin to skin contact during the first hours after birth and often find themselves caught up in rigid hospital routines that enable nurses to whisk their newborn babies away to a nursery. Weighing the baby and giving medications can be postponed until after the first hour and an assessment to make sure baby is doing well can be performed with the baby on your chest. Baby can also be placed skin to skin with the mother during a cesarean section or on the father chest if the mother is unable. Placing your baby on your chest immediately after birth (also called Kangaroo care) is proven to have many benefits for both mom and baby. Most experts recommend keeping baby skin to skin with you for at least 1 hour. Skin to skin care helps to:

  • Stabilize your new baby's temperature, heart rate, and blood sugar which are very important for newborns
  • Make latching on to the breast easier for breastfeeding because baby is most awake during the first hour.
  • Studies show that babies held skin to skin at birth breastfeed more months after going home
  • Your baby may cry less and be soothed by the smell of your skin
  • Promotes bonding
  • Stimulates the uterus to contract with the release of oxytocin helping you to have less vaginal bleeding
  • Helps distract you from pain if you will need stitches
  • Placing your baby skin to skin during breastfeeding also helps to stimulate milk production


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Favorite Birth Quotes

"Just as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth"  --Virginia Di Orio

"Mothers need to know that their care and their choices won't be compromised by birth politics." --Jennifer Rosenberg

"Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear" -- Jane Weideman

"The effort to seperate the physical experience of childbirth from the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of this event has served to disempower and violate women" --Mary Rucklos Hamptom

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